We’re Wolf Walking is based on a simple principle: exercised dogs are happier, healthier, and mentally switched on. We pick up your dog from a set location, whether it's your home or work, and run them with a pack for no less than three hours. After the walk, your dog will be returned to the secure pick-up point. Photos of your dog with the pack are posted on our Instagram, so you can see what they get up to while you're at work!
My business model is 3 hour pack walks of no more than 10 client dogs 5 days a week, excepting public holidays. Typically a two hour leashed walk followed by an hour of free play (as trust bonds build where and when safe).
When everyone has been well behaved we will occasionally hit the beach as well for a bit of a splash or swim and some acceptable hole digging. No matter the weather I walk. I post photos of the pack daily on Facebook and Instagram...
Standard pack walks typically start around 10 am with a pickup time between 8:30-9:30am depending on where we are walking.
Walks finish 3 hours later with drop offs generally in order of who lives closest to where we have been walking, between 1:30 and 2:30pm.
Regardless of pickup and drop off times, the pack walks themselves are 3 hours.
All dogs coming into the pack are subject to a meet and greet with my lead dogs, where your dog/s will be expected to be able to show an understanding of basic obedience.
Meet and greets are possible to do any weekday afternoon (EXCEPT Wednesdays) after 3pm. That being said, I prefer to do the meet and greets before twilight (when all the cats come out) and on reasonable weather days. Set the dog/s up to succeed.
Meet and greets traditionally take around 45 minutes, at the location where your dog/s will be picked up from. They involve your dog/s acclimatising to my presence in their space as well as an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have, before a short walk to a local park with you to demonstrate your dog can perform basic obedience for YOU.
I don’t expect your dog/s to do anything for me until we have a trust bond built up. Don’t worry, I’m not asking for your dog/s to jump through burning hoops or walk a tightrope, it’s basic stuff that every dog owner works on with their dog/s.
Placement is dependant on assessment. Tuesdays are a very special pack and are closed to all but the most trusted dogs. If s/he’s successful in joining my packs and I ever say to you “s/he’s welcome on a Tuesday,” it’s kinda a big deal.
I walk the dogs on slip leads, this is for the benefit and safety of both the dogs and myself.
No dogs are walked on collars or harness.
No intact dogs are being accepted at this stage.
All dogs must be fully vaccinated including regular boosters for canine cough.
Due to the length of walks, no dogs younger than 18 months are being accepted without approval from a vet.
Due to the average size of pack members, acceptance of dogs lighter than 15kg are on a case-by-case basis.
Casual clients are not accepted.
If while walking with the pack your dog/s continuously display…
Overtly nervous behaviour
Consistent over-excitement
Defensive behaviours
Needs remedial basic obedience training
For their own safety, s/he will be suspended from walks. I will suggest trainers that specialise in the problem/s your dog may be having.
Name recognition: Responding to their own name"
Sit/Down Stay: The ability to stay in a down or sit position without moving until released
Recall: Will come when called
Walk at heel: Does not pull on leash constantly
Polite interaction with new dogs: “Reads the room” when meeting new dogs and adjusts behaviour accordingly.
Regardless of your dog’s breed, age, or behavior, socialisation within a pack is key to your dog's physical and mental health. I ensure that your dog becomes more socially aware by maintaining pack calm, cohesion, and inclusion in a safe and fun manner.
Nothing on this planet is as happy as a dog doing zoomies off-leash! While our walks are leashed, I allow significant off-leash play in secure areas when it’s safe.
We take your pet to places they might not normally go, with a pack of friends surrounding them for added fun and stimulation.
"We’re wolves, not swear wolves!" This motto means that we reinforce good behavior through adventures, ensuring your dog gets a positive experience every time.
Please contact me to find out more about my current availability.